Angloinfo Text_Traveling with Pets into and out of Indonesia


Traveling with Pets into and out of Indonesia

What are considered domestic pets?
Laws pertaining to import and export of animals in Indonesia are most immediately administered by the Directorate of Animal Health, Directorate General of Livestock Services, Department of Agriculture; and the Directorate General of Nature Protection and Conservation, Department of Forestry and Plantation as regards wildlife.
Import and export of animal laws refer to birds, cats, dogs, and monkeys.  Transport of any other type of animal should be taken up with your local Indonesian consulate or embassy.

Entering the Country with a Pet
Flying with a Pet
There are three basic methods for flying into Indonesia with your pet:

Preparations before Arrival
In order to bring a pet into Indonesia, a letter of permission must be requested of the:
Departemen Pertanian (Ministry of Agriculture)
Up. Direcktorar Jenderal Peternakan
Jl. Harsono RM No. 3-Ragunan-Jakarta 12550

Specification of the pet (species, name, gender, appearance, & other characteristics) must be included in the letter.  This letter should be accompanied by the following legal documents:


In Addition

The Direcktor of Animal Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture will issue a letter attesting to the fact that the vaccination has been valid for at least one month and will grant an import permit for an animal after the animal has been released from required quarantine from terminal A, Soekarno-Hatta Airport. Conversely, an export permit is needed to take an animal out of Indonesia.  The same procedure is used for exportation. (see below)




After Arrival

If the owner is bringing the pet into Indonesia themselves, the animal must be flown into Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta airport. Upon arrival with the pet, the owner must make the original documents used in application for the import permit available to officials. By law, the animal must be kept in quarantine, at the airport Quarantine Station for 14 days before the owner can claim it.  If there is any doubt about the animal’s health, it will be held in quarantine for a minimum of four months at the owner’s expense.

Leaving the Country with a Pet
Pet exportation out of Indonesia is very similar to pet importation into the country.  An export permit (CITES) is required. Observe the following procedure:

Domestic Transportation of Pets (dog, cat, monkey and others)

Crossing Borders with an Animal

Whether a citizen of Indonesia or foreign national residing in the country, it is not recommended to travel with an animal.  This includes domestic travel or travel by means of crossing borders.  An exportation permit would be required to take the animal outside of Indonesia, and a new import license would be needed to reenter the country.  As mentioned, a permit is required for domestic travel with a pet as well. The red tape involved makes the whole proposition unfeasible.

A foreigner living in Indonesia who plans on traveling away from home will have to make arrangements for proper care of their pet while on the road.

Animal Carriers

Briefly, whether accompanied by the pet owner or shipped by a professional mover, the carrier must be of ample size, equipped with ventilation, as well as food and water containers.

The animal carrier or pet container used for pet transport must be constructed of standard plastic certified to meet the standards of the IATA.  For general specifications, check the following:
For detailed specifications, download:

As a predominantly Muslim nation, Indonesia is not uniformly “dog friendly.” Many Muslims consider dogs unclean, and are many time afraid of the animals as well.  To board a confined vehicle used for public transportation with a dog is pretty much unheard of in Indonesia. This attitude is not only found amongst for in Muslim countries, but has even been reported in places like the United Kingdom where a recent case concerning a Muslim bus driver denying a blind person and their dog the right to board has been widely reported.  It is unlikely a blind person in Indonesia would be able to board any public transportation they wanted, for instance, in a Muslim neighborhood or district.
More generally, sight dogs in Indonesia are rarely if ever seen on the streets.  This doesn’t mean to say sight dogs don’t exist, but it is best to contact your local Indonesian consulate or embassy for detailed information.  Make all inquiries in one’s native country before seriously considering the importation of a sight dog into the country.
The following organizations for the blind will respond to specific questions as well:
National Federation for the Blind               Baltimore, Maryland, USA:
Guide Dogs                                                 UK, Wales, & Scotland:

The French Federation of Guide Dog Associations (FFAC)

European Blind Union



Quarantine of Pets
Preparing these documents in advance will help expedite your pet through quarantine:



The spread of rabies is a serious public health issue in Indonesia.  Rules for importation of pets differ with each region though, because they are all affected differently. 

Rules for pet importation vary according to the rabies-status of the country of origin.  In any case, quarantine is mandatory for all pets upon importation.

JAKARTA: The process is straightforward if the pet comes from a country with rabies-free status.  If originating from a country with rabies-infected status, the pet may or may not be granted entry depending on its documented health records. 

As of this writing, the following countries and regions are considered rabies-free:
Australia, Belgium, Bermuda, Brunei, Cyprus, Denmark, Fiji Islands, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malta, Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak only), New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Turkey (including Coicos)

More information: Dept. of Agriculture, Tele. 021-781-5580


A serious outbreak of rabies occurred in Bali starting in late 2008.  Previously, the island was declared free of the disease.  As a result, thousands of islanders have been bitten by rapid animals and there have been many deaths.   The Indonesian government treats this as an ongoing, serious problem. 

Most dogs living in Bali are feral, and though a mandatory mass vaccination program was put into effect, it has been reported that some 200,000 supposed stray dogs were rounded up and eliminated by government officials.

The introduction of rabies into Bali was the result of importation from a neighboring island.
In response, the Indonesian government has instituted a ban of animal importation into Bali.  Don’t plan on bringing a pet of any sort into the island, no matter the species.  Bali is not the only area affected.  An importation ban exists in Palembang, Sumatra; Surabaya, West Kalimantan, and Papua as well. 






The following relates to human health and disease prevention as relates to rabies:

Most importantly: It is highly recommended that travelers and would-be-residents have a series of pre-exposure rabies vaccinations before coming to travel or live Indonesia.

The following website lists hospitals and health centers that can be contacted in Bali for more information:

If in Bali, contact:

The Bali Health Office
Health Command Post

RS Sanglah (Sanglah Hospital) is well-staffed, has many specialized health centers, and is well-stocked with vaccines:

Rumah Sakit Sanglah
Dauhpuri Kelod, Denpasar
(0)36 122 7915

A good Google map of all major Balinese clinics can be found here:


For the latest update on the outbreak, visit the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) website as located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA:

The CDC also provides medical information about contracting and treating rabies:


Official Organizations & Helpful Web Links

Departemen Pertanian (Ministry of Agriculture)
Up. Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan
Jl. Harsono RM No. 3-Ragunan-Jakarta 12550

Directorate General of Livestock Service, Directorate of Animal Health
Gedung (Building) C. Lantai 9
Jl. Harsono RM-Ragunan
Jakarta Selatan
 Phone: +62-21-7810090/21-7815783. Fax: +62-21-7827774

NOTE: No doubt individual pet owners will have specific questions not covered in this brief. As per the most appropriate agency in Indonesia, The Directorate General of Livestock Service (DGLS) is the best agency to contact directly with any question.  This can be done through their web site. Questions in English are welcome, and replies will be in English as well:

Animal Quarantine
Animal Quarantine Soekarno-Hatta, Jakarta
Jl. Pondasi No. 6 Kp. Ambon, Rawamangun II, Jakarta 13210
P.O. Box 1012/JAT)
Telephone : (021) 4750786     Fax No. (021) 4700493

Animal Quarantine Office in the Soekarno-Hatta Airport
Telephone: (021) 5507931   Fax : (021) 5507931
The Independent Pet and Animal Transportation Association International
Veterinarians in Indonesia
Restiati Veterinary Clinic
24 Hour Emergency Service Phone: +62-361-7442430 (24 hour service)
Mobile: 08123952470 or 0811389001
Klinik & Salon Hewan          
Pinang Indah Pet Shop                                       
Jl. Ciputat Raya No. 9                       
Jakarta Selatan                                                   
Tel. 021 7664545

Veterinary Surgeon                      
Jl. Buncit Raya 11A                                            
Jakarta Selatan                                                
Tel. 021 7997734

Drh Soemarmo BJl.
Kemang Raya 29
Jakarta Selatan
Tel. 021- 79198685                                           
Pet Shops/Kennels
Groovy Pet Shop
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 44
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: (021) 719-7704, 7179-2158
Fax: (021) 718-0872

Ragunan Kennel  (boarding kennel)
Rangunan Pasar Minggu
(021) 780 5611